Terms of Agreement provide the basis for a fundraising activity/event to be organised by a Fundraiser on behalf of Coast Shelter.
By signing and returning the Fundraising Agreement, the fundraiser indicates acceptance of these terms and conditions and thereafter these terms and conditions will form the basis of any dealings between Coast Shelter and a fundraiser in relation to the fundraising activity/event.
“Fundraiser” means the individual or organisation holding the fundraising activity/event for the benefit of Coast Shelter.
Regulation and best practice in Australia dictate that any person or organisation fundraising must have an ‘authority to fundraise’. A fundraiser is not authorised to use Coast Shelter as its beneficiary charity until it has received an authorisation letter from Coast Shelter. The ‘authority to fundraise’ will be sent by Coast Shelter after:
• Coast Shelter has received a written and signed application from a fundraiser;
• We are satisfied that the fundraising activity/event will produce a reasonable return after expenses have been deducted; and
• We are satisfied that the fundraising activity fits in with the aims and values of Coast Shelter.
The fundraising activity/event shall be conducted in the fundraiser’s name and is the sole responsibility of the fundraiser. Coast Shelter is not able to take a coordination role in these activities and its staff in not obliged to assist in soliciting prizes, organising publicity, or providing goods or services to assist the fundraiser in the running of the fundraising activity/event.
The fundraiser must meet the requirements of New South Wales laws and regulations. The information provided to Coast Shelter must be available to regulatory authorities on request. Coast Shelter cannot provide legal advice regarding compliance with these laws and regulations.
Because of Coast Shelter’s standing within the community and its high ethical standards, there are some events with which we cannot be associated. We cannot endorse some activities, including:
• games of chance that do not comply with State Legislation;
• activities of a sexual nature; or
• activities that promote harm to self or the environment.
Coast Shelter is only able to provide very limited public liability insurance cover to fundraising activities/events. It will be necessary for the fundraiser to discuss insurance with Coast Shelter prior to commencing any event and provide documented proof of the insurance.
It must be remembered that the event will not be a Coast Shelter event, but an event to raise funds for donation to Coast Shelter.
All material with which the Coast Shelter’s name and/or logo is to be associated must first be approved by Coast Shelter. Any material, pamphlets, brochures or products must be submitted to Coast Shelter for approval before they can be used. Other printed material, such as media releases must be forwarded to Coast Shelter for approval prior to being printed or circulated.
If the fundraiser wishes to refer to or promote Coast Shelter it must refer to it as “Coast Shelter”.
Permission to use the logo must be requested and may attract conditions to be negotiated between Coast Shelter and the fundraiser, especially if the use of the logo is for marketing activities of the organisation.
The financial aspects of fundraising, raffles, record keeping and management of the fundraising activity/event are entirely the responsibility of the fundraiser who must comply with New South Wales Laws and Regulations.
It is the fundraiser’s responsibility to understand and implement the charity fundraising legislation requirements. More information can be found at NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing www.olgr.nsw.gov.au Ph: 02 9995 0300
The following is a summary of financial reporting typical of that required from fundraisers which is needed to protect the public interests:
• set-up and maintain proper financial records and accounts which can be audited if necessary;
• provide Coast Shelter at the outset with an estimate of expenses and the likely proceeds of the fundraising activity/event;
• where necessary, set up a separate bank account that mentions Coast Shelter’s name. All funds are to be banked into this separate bank account. This account must be closed after the event;
• money raised and details of actual income and expenditure must be returned to Coast Shelter within four (4) weeks of the fundraising activity/event; and
• Coast Shelter cannot pay expenses incurred by the fundraiser, but the fundraiser may deduct necessary expenses from the proceeds of the event, provided they are properly documented. (Total expenses must be less than 40% of total proceeds).
Coast Shelter can provide an official receipt book for approved fundraising activities/events.
Tax-deductible receipts can only be issued to people donating more than $2 and donations can be made by cash, cheque or credit card.
The fundraiser must keep a register of all contributors/supporters eligible for a tax-deductible receipt.
It is the responsibility of the fundraiser to understand:
• circumstances when a tax deductible receipt can be issued and to whom. (The following examples are not tax-deductible: ticket purchases (e.g. raffle), entry to an event, donations of goods or services, auction purchases, food or beverage purchases from a charity stand);
• the legal implications of issuing receipts and the necessity of returning official receipt books (used and unused) to Coast Shelter; and
• reconciliation of funds.
For the fundraising activity/event to be approved, the fundraiser will need to complete and sign the Fundraising Agreement Form.